星期五, 1月 20, 2006

Edinburgh castle-3

Edinburgh castle-2

Edinburgh castle

castle view to the city.

Stirling castle with Edward

If you want to visit UK, please be ready of our castles!!!!
陳大師跟我說" NO MORE CASTLES!!!" 可是我們這就只有castle 可以看耶 sorry 囉!:P
還有 聖誕過年期間真的最好不要出門玩 交通工具都誤點或是根本停開 票價又貴!

BLOOOOOOOOOOOOODY cold on the day we visit stirling.

No one wanted to take our hands out to take a photo.
that's why we don't have too many nice photo to show. Maybe I will visit there again!! :)

Greek Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner with Dimitra's family.
They are really warm and kind and love each other. :)

Dimitra, Dimitra's Mam, Aunt, Papa. Silvina, Jasmine, Edward, Nana

星期四, 1月 19, 2006

Holyrood Palace

I didn't take any picture here. Only the "typical tourist" took the picture.

Afternoon tea

MY Reward of 3 hours climbing!!!

English scone and hot chocolate!!! :) Treated by Edward Chen!!! :)

Highest spot in Ediburgh

I asked Edward to take a photo for me, and must look difficult to clim.

Look Difficult!!! HAHAA~

Look Easy! :P

Holyrood Park with Edward

Edward dragged me to the park.


Empty starving Christmas night

city council 市政廳
他們用燈光把曾經當過市長的人名與年代打在窗子上 很特別!

若不是Dimitra's family 招待我們吃一餐,真的要餓死在愛丁堡啦