星期五, 11月 25, 2005

The real snow!! :)

At beginning

After 15 mins, everything is covered by the white!!! :)

Our back yard

From our kitchen!

My first snow was with Robert when we were in Calgary. But it was the "small" one, and didn't last for a long time.
This morning, about 10 min ago, it started to snow in Edinburgh! At first, it was like some white dust in the air, and the snowflakes became bigger. Suddenly, everything is covered with a light white decoration. :)))
It's an exciting experiance for me! See the snow from the very beginning. :)
Now, the snow covered the roof and car roofs, and I am thinking of skipping the school today :P
I really need a lot of courage to go into the BIG FRIDGE!!! :(
According to the weather forecast, this year will be the coldest year of recent 40 years. How lucky(or unlucky) I am! :)

Time now is 11/25/2005 AM09:41 A historical moment :P
